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You are invited to join Sussex Pride Aging and our community partners for a community roundtable discussion on the needs of LGBTQ+ older adults.
This is an opportunity to hear more about the challenges LGBTQ+ older adults face and the resources that are currently available. Most importantly, it is an opportunity to have a discussion with you and other LGBTQ+ community members about what your needs and priorities are.
About Sussex Pride Aging
Sussex Pride Aging is a network of community members, non-profit organizations, and senior service providers that meet monthly and work together to support LGBTQ+ older adults in Sussex County.
You can also follow Sussex Pride Aging:
- on the web at: sussexpride.org/aging
- on instagram at: instagram.com/sussexprideaging
- on twitter at: twitter.com/sussexlgbtaging
- on facebook at: facebook.com/sussexprideaging