Samantha started volunteering with Sussex Pride Youth in October 2023. She has been a regular in our Sea Witch Festival Team, and this year she is serving as a co-chair of Rehoboth Beach Pride. You can reach Samantha at
Where are you originally from?
I am originally from Wilmington and I’ve been in Rehoboth about 18 years.
How has the area changed?
We always came to Rehoboth for family vacation s when I was growing up. We always came the last week of August through Labor Day. Back then there were no sand dunes, you could see the ocean and beach right over the boardwalk and go under it. The day after Labor Day everything closed for the winter. There were no outlets and there wasn’t much on Rt 1 so there wasn’t much to do.
Who is your LGBTQ+ hero? Who do you look up to most in our community and why?
There are so many I admire and look up to. I currently love Lexi Love from RuPaul’s Drag race because she publicly outed herself as being HIV+ after this administration removed HIV resources from government websites. As a history buff, I’m partial to the Revolutionary War hero Casimir Pulaski, the Father of American cavalry. He was a skilled fighter and Benjamin Franklin recommended him to George Washington. Pulaski came to help fight against the British. He led a charge against the British, and has been credited with saving American forces as they retreated. He was made a general and chief of calvalry. In the 1990’s his body was exhumed and they found that his skeleton was actually that of a woman or that Pulaski was intersexed. One of America’s fierce Revolutionary War heroes was actually transgender or intersex. So if you ever drive down Pulaski Highway, this is who it is named after.
What is your volunteer role at Sussex Pride and what do you like most about it?
I started out volunteering with the Youth Group. It’s so hard to be a teenager and to be able to give them a space to be themselves means a lot. From there I just started volunteering wherever David needed me. I have met wonderful people and I really like knowing that what I am a part of is for the greater good of our community.
When was the first time you went to a Pride Event? What do you remember about it?
It wasn’t a Pride Event per say, but it was “Miss America Show Us Your Shoes” parade and huge LGBTQ+ after party in Atlantic City about 7 years ago. Apparently “show us your shoes” got it’s start with the LGBTQ+ community. It was a huge crowd and I remember the shoes were amazing! The event after had Kings and Queens, music, contests and it was a joyous occasion. They had info tables and you could make your own sash. It was the first time I had ever seen Kings. If you don’t count that, my actual first Pride event was Delaware Pride in Dover 3 years ago. I remember feeling happy that there were all ages of people and families there. Seeing parents support their children made my heart smile.
What is your favorite Delaware Beach?
Cape Henlopen State Park and Gordon’s Pond Beach are probably my favorite beaches. They are lovely beaches but my favorite part is not having to deal with parking tickets there.
What is your favorite Beach food?
Arena’s Death Fries are my all time favorite food at the beach. If you don’t count them, I’m a big fan of Thrasher’s French fries. With plenty of salt and vinegar.
What have you enjoyed most about volunteering with Sussex Pride and what (if any) advice would you give to someone who is thinking about volunteering?
I have really enjoyed meeting so many new people. As a straight presenting bi/pan woman that is married to a man, I sometimes feel that I don’t fit the rainbow mold. I was concerned at first that people would wonder what I was doing volunteering with an LGBTQ+ group. I was welcomed with open arms and no one cared. No matter your concerns, just reach out if you think you might be interested in volunteering. There are so many different ways that you can volunteer, everyone has gifts that can be utilized and you might just make some new friends.