Welcome Angel / Lamar

Sussex Pride is excited to welcome our new intern Angel or Lamar Kellam whose internship will be with us from January through the end of April.

They are gender fluid and go by either the name Angel or the name Lamar. They sometimes dress in a more masculine mode (as pictured here) and go by Lamar, using he/they pronouns, and they sometimes dress in a more feminine mode and go by the name Angel, using she/they pronouns. Angel or Lamar is a is a student at Delaware Technical Community College pursuing and Associates Degree in Applied Science in Human Services and an Associates degree in Drug & Alcohol Counseling.

They come to us with experience volunteering in a number of organizations including Camp Rehoboth, One n Ten in Phoenix, and the ACE Peer Center in Seaford. Angel (or Lamar) will be supporting a number of our programs including Sussex Pride Youth and our new SMART Recovery Initiative.

The primary focus of their internship, however, will be working on our new partnership with the University of Delaware to support unhoused LGBTQ+ Youth in Delaware. As a young LGBTQ+ person who has experienced housing instability, we are thrilled that they will bring their lived experience and expertise to this work.
