Delaware Veterans & Sussex Pride Stand with Trans Service Members

Trans Service Members

 The Delaware Democratic Party Veterans and Military Caucus and Sussex Pride have released the following statement: “Earlier this week the President signed an executive order banning transgender people from serving in the military. Denying capable Americans the opportunity to serve and protect our nation undermines our military’s readiness, safety, and inclusivity. This order will impact … Read more

Congratulations Gary Espinas

Gary Espinas

Congratulations to Dr. Gary Espinas. Dr. Espinas has been appointed to serve as an At Large Member of the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs (DCVA). The Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs provides assistance to Delaware’s veterans, their spouses and dependent children. The Commission, consists of 15 members appointed by the Governor, each for a 4 … Read more

Call for Support for Transgender Veterans

Trans Veterans

Sussex Pride invites individuals and organizations to join us in signing on to this letter asking President Biden to remove the regulatory exclusion on gender affirming surgery from VA’s Health Benefits package. In the U.S. Armed Forces, transgender people serve at a disproportionate rate when compared to their cis-gender counterparts, making the Department of Veterans … Read more